Sudarshan TV anchor targets Haldiram’s for Urdu packaging on Namkeen

A video is going viral on Twitter where a TV anchor from Sudarshan News is seen questioning the staff of a Haldiram’s shop over Urdu packaging on a packet of Namkeen sold in the store.

The packaged food under fire from the Hindutva right-wing channel is called ‘Falhari Mixture’ and is quite popular in the market as a fasting mixture. As per the video, the description on the back of the package is written in Urdu and the front side has text in English.

In the video, the female anchor from the channel can be seen forcefully questioning the store manager, who is also a woman, about what Haldiram’s is trying to hide by ‘concealing’ the description of the namkeen packet in Urdu. The store manager explained to the anchor that the content in the packet isn’t a health hazard and the anchor is either free to buy it or leave the store. A crowd along with a police officer can be seen witnessing the altercation.

Suresh Chavhanke, the Editor in Chief of Sudharshan News put out a video on Twitter questioning the company on what it is hiding from Hindus by using the Urdu language on one side of the packet.

“Why is the information printed in the Urdu language on the fasting packet? Did the company use animal oil in the making which shouldn’t be consumed by Hindus during Navratri? Or is it beef? Hindus who fast can’t understand this language and people who can understand this language do not fast, so why Urdu on this?” he said.

Suresh also expressed offense over the ‘green’ colour of the packet.