Subramanium controversy, a serious assault on independence of judiciary, says Congress

Indian National Congress (INC) leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi criticised the government on Wednesday over the Gopal Subramanium controversy, saying that there is now a serious assault on the independence of judiciary; and warned that this could have extremely serious ramifications. “The mess created by the government on the issue of the judicial appointment has extremely serious ramifications. It sits at the intersection of sacred principals of judicial independence, of politics, of intolerance of opposing viewpoints and breech of constitutional norms,” he added. Referring to media reports of the US-based NSA snooping on six political parties, including the BJP, Singhvi condemned all kinds of snooping by any sovereign nation on any other sovereign country. He further added that the IB has not found anything against Subramaniam and the government’s actions smacks of nothing except pettiness. “Pettiness to the extent, that an alleged swimming pool membership never taken, an alleged tape conversation which in fact lauds and praises his independence are also being used by the government of the day to undermine judicial independence. The issue is not Subramaniam but the issue is clear usurpation by the Modi government of the right to select or refuse to select judges,” said Singhvi. Senior advocate Gopal Subramaniam had withdrawn his nomination for judge of the apex court after the government, citing a ‘negative’ CBI report, had asked the Supreme Court collegium to reconsider Subramaniam”s nomination. The government had apparently received a ”negative” report from the CBI about the lawyer who had represented the UPA Government in the 2G scam. It was also alleged that he has links with corporate lobbyist Nira Radia. (ANI)