Mainpuri : An Uttar Pradesh Police sub-inspector, who was caught on camera showering notes on a dancer during a show on the night of May 24 at Naurera village under Dannahar Police Station in Mainpuri district, has been suspended.
Sub-Inspector Radharaman Yadav, who was then posted at the Dannahar Police Station, had been invited to the birthday party of one Raju Chauhan of Naurera village on the intervening night of May 23-24.
A dance party was also called to celebrate the occasion. In the course of the dance performance, the sub-inspector, who is currently posted at Bhogaon Police Station, reached the stage and started showering currency notes, caring the least that he was in uniform.
Mainpuri Superintendent of Police Dev Ranjan Verma told ANI, “Some people have shown a video clipping in which the sub-inspector posted at the Dannahar Police Station, Radharaman Yadav, was showering currency notes on girls dancing on the stage , while in police uniform. It is a very objectionable behavior, and thus, we have suspended him.
“It’s an objectionable behavior that will tarnish the police’s image. An inquiry has also been marked and its result will be submitted soon,” he added. (ANI)