According to private engineering college managements, nearly Rs 250 crore was due from the government. The delay in releasing the amount is taking a toll on career of the students as the managements withholding the certificates.
With counseling for admissions into MTech, MPharmacy courses through Postgraduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) is all set to begin, the students lamented that college managements are refusing to issue the certificates, thus putting their career at risk.
The delay has badly hit the students who are planning higher education overseas. “One requires all the certificates for processing for admission into foreign universities.
A student of engineering background from Khammam said “I scored 1400 rank in the PGECET. All my certificates are with the management. Given the financial constraints I cannot afford to pay the tuition fee. If government fails to release the amount in time, I cannot participate in the certificate verification process,” said the student.
Due to delay in fee reimbursement, faculty members threatening to boycott classes from the beginning of the academic year, as the college managements are failed to pay their salaries. The government should immediately release the fee reimbursement,” said Goutham Rao, Chairman, Telangana Private Engineering and Professional Colleges Managements Association.