Narayanguda police has arrested 14-year-old student who made fatal attack on Amer Siddiqui, his classmate. The police made the arrest on the basis of footage of the fight recorded by the closed circuit cameras installed on the school campus. The tenth class student of St. Joseph school was arrested and later sent to Home for Juvenile after producing him in Juvenile Court.
It must be recalled that the teenager, Mohammed Amer Siddiqui, 14, student of 10 of St. Joseph Public School, King Kothi died after a fight with his classmate on September 1. Both of them exchanged blows following some argument during which Amer received a few punches on the right side of the head after which he fell on the ground. The boy was rushed to a private hospital nearby. The doctors treated him for brain haemorrhage and performed a surgery but Aamer died early on Wednesday morning.
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