Student ‘traumatised’ after cartoon of Prophet Mohammed shown at Australian school

In an incident that left a Muslim student ‘traumatised’, a teacher played a blasphemous cartoon of Prophet Mohammed at a school located in Melbourne.

Though the incident took place last month, the incident came to the limelight after the student’s father shared it on social media.

Sharing the details of the incident, he wrote that when the teacher started playing the blasphemous cartoon that was developed in Europe, his daughter expressed her discomfort. However, the teacher did not pay any attention to her objections and continued with the video thereby forcing his daughter to watch it, the student’s father wrote.

Incident left family in mental trauma

Alleging that the incident left both the girl and her family in mental trauma, her father demanded the teacher’s suspension and a formal apology.

To repair the damage done by the teacher, the father of the girl demanded that the school should invite a Muslim scholar to explain the personality of Prophet Mohammed to the school, especially, to class XI where the blasphemous content was played.

It is believed that the cartoon that was played in the class is Charlie Hebdo’s front page from 2015 that had triggered massive protests across the world.

Reaction of Islamic Council of Victoria

Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), the Department of Education said that the school is investigating the incident. However, it asked the school to issue a public apology.

The council also asked the school to disclose the steps that will be taken to ensure that such incident does not take place in the future.