Student arrested for cheating and misusing others ATM

A student arrested by CID for cheating and misusing of others ATM card.

A petty businessman from Nellore town, lodged a complaint with Cyber Crime PS on August 31, 2012 regarding cheating and misusing of his ATM card by some unknown offenders who made certain online transactions to a tune of Rs 1,10,168 without his knowledge which was registered as Cr.No.81/2012 U/s.66-D IT Act 2000 and Sec.420 IPC and investigated by K.Ravi Kumar, Inspector of Police, Cyber Crime PS, CID, Hyderabad.

Based on enquiries, the modus operandi and technical investigation, a person by name Yaramaka Sathvik Reddy S/o Krishna Reddy, Age: 19 yrs, Occ: Student, R/o H.No.25-3-1898, Pragathi Nagar, Podalakur Road, Nellore is identified. Later his movements were electronically tracked and he was arrested on June 28, 2013.

The modus operandi of the accused is when SBI / SBH card holders withdrawing money from ATM centers, immediately he notes down the card number and the PIN by way of shoulder browsing and feed the same in his mobile. After noting the data, he used to buy goods and services online using his Laptop with internet facility fraudulently using the victim’s security credentials.

On his confession, a DELL Laptop used for commission of offence and cash Rs 15,000 which he accumulated by way of selling the goods purchased fraudulently. During the confession he confessed that once he happened to see the ATM card information of the victim while the victim is withdrawing money. Later out of enthusiasm the accused booked two movie tickets online using the victim’s card information for testing for which he succeeded. Later the accused continued to misuse victim’s security credentials and spent the money lavishly.

The recovered Laptop which was used in commission of offence is being sent to Forensic Science Laboratory for analysis and the arrested accused is sent to Judicial Custody.

Public alert: – While making transactions with your Debit / Credit cards in ATM centers please type the PIN Number by covering the keypad either by hand or by paper, so that nobody or no camera can capture the typed PIN number, while typing. (INN)