Hyderabad: The hustle and bustle around the historic Chairminar monument now resumes almost after five months of lockdown. Almost after five months the vendors and local sellers are seen selling the ornaments brings back the same glam of the historic Lad Bazaar and Charminar.
The vendors and local sellers are now seen selling the ornaments brings back the same glam of the historic Lad Bazaar and Charminar. They are selling anything from food to clothes. Nothing has changed expect the fact that almost of the sellers were seen wearing a mask and were also carrying a small sanitizer pack.
The vendor’s association president said that the vendors are struggling to earn income as they are handful customers and sometimes just no. He added that sales are down by 90% compared to before the pandemic had begun. They pointed out that people from low-income households that rely on street vendors for clothing and other daily items, now are buying things only when necessary.