(Kaithal) Haryana: In a heartwrenching incident in Haryana’s Kaithal district, a newborn baby girl wrapped in polythene was rescued from a drain by stray dogs who pulled the infant out this morning. Efforts are on to save the life of the baby who was rushed to the Civil Hospital here by police who retrieved her from the spot.
The newborn sustained injuries on her head, doctors a the hospital said.
Police recovered CCTV footage of the area, which shows the infant being thrown into the drain in the Dogran Gate area of the city on Friday.
Dr Dinesh Kansal, Principal Medical Officer, Kaithal told ANI that the police brought the victim at around 6 am today and doctors had immediately started treatment of the baby that weighed around 1.15 kilogram.
“The newborn has received injuries on her head and is undergoing treatment. We will fully cooperate with the police,” said Kansal.
The police also told ANI that they are conducting a thorough investigation into the matter and are also looking at the CCTV footages in order to nab the culprit.
“We will take strict action against the person who has thrown this girl in the drainage,” said Pradeep Kumar, a police official handling the case.