Hyderabad: A Sub-Treasury Officer (STO) from Nalgonda was arrested by the Hyderabad Cyber Crime police on Friday for his alleged involvement in a fee reimbursement fund scam. According to Cyber Crime Inspector B Chand Basha, the STO Gangula Purushotham Reddy, in connivance with two of his colleagues, allegedly diverted funds to the tune of Rs 71 lakh into a private college account through online banking. His colleagues were arrested earlier.
The fund belonged to students who could not claim the amount due to lack of proper bank account details. The STO and his accomplices after collecting their details, applied for claims at the head office. Officials concerned made the payment through e-cheques without cross-checking the details of the claimants.
After receiving a complaint from Treasuries and Accounts Department about the doubtful claim, the Cyber Crime police sprung into action. A section officer working in head office and another employee were caught earlier in the same case.