Hyderabad: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Tuesday appealed to the people to stay indoors and follow the lockdown guidelines with complete seriousness. Else, he said the curfew, which is now imposed from 7 pm to 6 am would be extended to 24-hours and shoot-at-sight orders might be issued.
Addressing a press conference at Pragathi Bhavan after holding a high-level review meeting, the Chief Minister said that the number of Coronavirus in Telangana has increased to 36 although one of the patient was cured. He said there 195 suspects and nearly 19,330 people have been kept on surveillance. He said those quarantined must be stay at the designated places. He said the authorities would seize the passports of those quarantined and if they violate the rules the passports might even be cancelled. He said the government could not spare those who are posing a threat to entire society.
The Chief Minister asked people to stay indoors and alert to overcome the situation. He said Coronavirus could not be treated, but it cannot be prevented by taking all precautions. He asked people to understand the situation and display self discipline and sincerity.
KCR also appealed to all MLAs, corporators and all elected represented representatives to take the lead and coordinate with local people in ensuring total lock down by educating the people about the importance of staying indoors. He said nearly 3,000 to 4,000 vehicles were stranded at borders due to closure of inter-State borders. Therefore, he said those vehicles will be allowed for one day by giving toll exemption.
The Chief Minister said in case of any emergency situation like death or any other health emergency during curfew period, people should Dial 100. A team of officials will be sent and they will arrange the vehicle if needed. He said arrangements were also being made for procurement of agricultural produce directly from the farm/village and farmers need not come to the market yards. The amount will be directly credited to their bank accounts.
KCR said there was sufficient production and stock of vegetables and other commodities in the State. He warned of stern action against those selling commodities at exorbitant prices. He said such persons would be booked under PD Act and they would be arrested and jailed. He advised them not to spoil their lives just to gain some advantage from the present situation.
He also directed that all shops should be closed by 6 pm and the shops’ licenses would be cancelled if they disobey the orders. However, he said some relaxations would be given for agricultural activities in rural areas. He said utmost priority has been given to health expenditure and there was no shortage of funds to deal with the situation.
He made it clear that media has been exempted from all restrictions and directed the police to allow journalists to move freely.