Union Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti on Saturday said that barring one or two, all the states were in favour of inter-linking rivers, while addressing a water-related conference here.
“The conclusion of inter-linking rivers seminar is that nobody has opposed it barring one or two states. Everybody has agreed to it. There are few doubts and we must address those doubts. We will work expeditiously to reply to those misgivings,” Bharti said while addressing a national conference called ‘Jal Mathan’ in New Delhi.
Bharti assured the government would address the concerns of the states and environmentalists.
She said that even though the society was in favour of inter-linking rivers, environmentalists had apprehensions.
“The society is in favour of inter-linking rivers. Despite this feeling, few intellectuals associated with environment and few intellectuals associated with India’s nature in future have some grievances,” added Bharti.
This conference comes four months after a similar meeting, Ganga Manthan, was organised by the ministry to discuss rejuvenation of the Ganga. (ANI)