Mumbai: Maharashtra Education Minister Vinod Tawde on Thursday clarified that it was Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, which intended to distribute Bhagwad Gita in colleges and not the state government.
This came hours after it was reported that the Directorate of Higher Education has decided to distribute Bhagwad Gita in Maharashtra colleges.
Twade further said if someone wants to distribute the Quran or the Bible, the government will facilitate them as well.
“Government is not distributing Bhagwad Gita. Bhakti Vedant Trust from Bhiwandi wanted to distribute Bhagwad Gita at colleges. We provided them with a list of colleges. If someone says they want to distribute Quran and Bible we will give them the list of colleges too,” Tawde said.
Earlier in the day, it was reported that the Directorate of Higher Education has decided to distribute the holy book in 100 NAAC accredited A/A+ colleges. (ANI)