New Delhi: State education caravan began at a function held at India International Centre. The event was organised by UP Rabta Committee and Syed Hamed Foundation. Director Himalaya Drugs Dr S Farooq presided over the function. Noted Supreme Court lawyer Prashant Bhushan attended as chief guest.
The speakers stressed the need for education in the present era and pointed out that there’s no provision for separate secular education as the Islamic education in itself is the best secular education, where rights of men and women, behaviour with poor and helpless are taught. It shows how to fight against oppression and what is the punishment of criminals.
Chief guest Prashant Bhushan mentioned the injustice towards Muslims and advised them to excel in the field of secular education. Between the lines, he supported the Uniform Civil Code claiming that Uniform Civil Code doesn’t mean Hindu Civil Code.
Rejecting Prashant Bhushan’s viewpoint Dr Syed Farooq in his presidential address made it clear that there’s nothing in Quran which can be changed or removed.