New Delhi: The BJP MPs from the state on Tuesday came down heavily against the chief minister KCR for passing an anti-CAA resolution in the state assembly. They staged a silent protest program at New Delhi on the issue in front of BR Ambedkar statue located on Telangana bhavan.
The protest program was led by Karimnagar MP and state BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar. Speaking on the occasion he demanded the state government to immediately cancel the resolution. He alleged that the resolution was anti-constitutional.
He alleged that the CM KCR was talking without knowing facts about the Act and added that the attitude of the CM was bringing disrepute to the state. He claimed that there was no harm to the Muslims of the country with the CAA. He asked the CM as to what would happen with the anti- CAA resolution.
He alleged that the resolution was made to please the Muslims of the state. He made it clear that the CM and MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi would have to register their names under NRC. He alleged that the CM was ignoring the suicides of the farmers, students and employees.