Hyderabad: The heartrending story of the Rohingya Muslims who fled from their houses in Myanmar has become the topic of discussion around the world. Their citizenship has been snatched away. They are deprived of citizenship of any state. The report of Amnesty International stated that the houses of displaced Rohingya Muslims are still burning. The destruction can be clearly seen in the pictures taken from the air. Tirana Hassan, Amnesty International’s Crisis Response Director says that the evidences found expose the lies of Aung San Suu Kyi. The victims of oppression are forced to take refuge in neighbouring countries. They have sick persons with them, children have become weak due to hunger, and elderly people are unable to walk.
A large number of Rohingya refugees are reaching India too. Our country has made it clear that they will not be provided shelter. Those who have already arrived will be deported. Home Minister of India Rajnath Singh in an official statement said people arriving from Rakhine state of Myanmar are not refugees they are ‘illegal immigrants’. They will not be permitted to enter country’s boundary.
Some Rohingya refugees have made an appeal in Supreme Court requesting not to deport those who have taken refuge in the country to save their life. However if anyone of them is doing mischief he can be deported or punished. The Rohingya appellants requested security to them on par with refugees from Tibet and Sri Lanka.
As per international law they are refugees and they cannot return to their country; if they do they would be liquidated.
Supreme Court has accepted the case for hearing. The next hearing will be on October 3.
This has created a ray of hope for Rohingyas, but some Muslim personalities by making insensitive remarks are creating anti-Rohingya atmosphere. The present ruling party of India has always tried to give Hindu-Muslim hue to any issue. The Rohingyas are Muslims for whom the BJP/RSS members and activists have little or no sympathy but some educated Muslims, intentionally or unintentionally, are also parroting them without comprehending the nature and magnitude of the catastrophe that has befallen the Rohingya community.
It makes no sense to be so apathetic towards an oppressed community. Rohingyas are the most oppressed community. The Rohingyas were living in the Rakhine State of Myanmar for centuries. They were forcibly driven out through a planned and organised process. The army killed Rohingyas, their women were raped, and their houses were set on fire. The State Counsellor of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi is not ready to talk on the issues of Rohingyas. She calls them terrorists. This is a matter of shame that poor, hungry, elderly, children and women are labelled as terrorists.