Stan Swamy’s death a strain on human rights record: UN working group

New Delhi: The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has said that the custodial death of Stan Swamy is a strain on India’s human rights record.

The comment was made at the group’s session in November 2021. It came into public recently.

The group said that the accused died in circumstances that could have been easily avoided.

The bail applications of the 84-year-old man who was suffering from Parkinson’s disease were rejected repeatedly despite knowing his medical conditions, the group added.

He even had to file an application to get straws and sippers which were needed for him to drink water as he was unable to hold glass due to the disease.

The working group observed that Stan Swamy’s arrest violated articles 2 and 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Stan Swamy’s death

Swamy, who was accused in Bhim Koregaon’s case, died on July 5 at a hospital in Mumbai. He was under police custody.

The 84-year-old man had multiple illnesses including Parkinson’s disease. He had also contracted COVID when he was lodged at the Taloja prison, Mumbai.