The DMK Sunday said its treasurer M.K. Stalin did not greet the people on the Vinayaka (Ganesh) Chaturthi day via his social media accounts but it was done by some enthusiastic people who maintain the site.
In a statement issued here, the party said the greeting was issued without Stalin’s prior permission and not as per his wish.
The DMK said the greeting was issued by enthusiastic people who are maintaining Stalin’s social media sites.
On Aug 29, Stalin’s Facebook profile carried a message greeting all those who celebrate Vinayaka Chaturthi.
The post has got 237 comments, 264 shares and 2,985 likes. The post surprised many and shocked the DMK leaders.
The DMK leaders do not extend greetings to the people in the case of Hindu festivals like Diwali, Vinayaka Chaturthi, but do greet Muslims and Christians during Ramzan or Christmas.
One of the comments has referred to this. According to it, “a true atheist should not extend greetings for any religious festival. If the greeting is extended for the public then it should be done for all religious festivals. The DMK has not followed that. Thanks to Stalin for correcting that mistake”.