New Delhi: Trying to corner the Centre during the intolerance debate in Lok Sabha, Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said that staging a protest against the government in today’s India means attracting sedition charges.
“In today’s India, staging a protest means attracting the charge of sedition,” said Rahul Gandhi during his speech in the lower house.
“I request the government not to learn the wrong lessons from Pakistan. Pakistan’s weakness is their intolerance. Their leaders don’t hear the voice of their people. India is successful because we have embraced our people. Our strength is our tolerance,” Rahul added.
The Congress vice-president also criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for being silent on ‘dog’ remarks made by Union minister General VK Singh.
“Our Prime Minister has let a man like that continue as a minister, who directly challenged the Constitution by equating Dalit children with dogs. Everyone in this room swore to protect the rights of our people. Where is VK Singh? A general who compared Dalit children to dogs,” he said. (ANI)