Stability of the economy in the Muslim youth is the need of the hour

Feroze Suri

Muhammad Salman, a manufacturer of grocery products, if you ask him what is ‎the secret of the success of his business, he unhesitatingly says, “Those few people ‎in the nation who always work to stabilize the economy of the unemployed ‎youth.” People who are worried have a role in my success, if those few worried ‎people did not guide me, maybe today I would not be a successful businessman.‎

The Muslims in the country are economically miserable. Among the many ‎reasons, the biggest reason is that the Muslims lack the spirit to do business.‎

The Muslim community of North India can definitely learn a few business lessons ‎from their Muslim brothers in Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.‎

It is very difficult to find a big Muslim businessman in Delhi or any big city in North ‎India. And once you go to Mumbai or Bengaluru or even Hyderabad, you will find ‎some big and small companies run by Muslims, but these Muslims are hardly ‎visible in North India.‎

A publication house located at ‘Kothi’ in the city of Hyderabad is making quite a ‎stir in the market today, many magazines and syllabi of various educational ‎courses are published from here. Abdis Road is not far from Kothi. Here in Abids, ‎a Punjabi family runs a famous and successful hotel. It will be sad to know that ‎these properties are owned by Muslims and they are renting out their properties. ‎While these businesses are flourishing, the Muslims who own these properties are ‎content only with rent. How sad that these Muslim owners cannot run it ‎themselves? This question is very important and the Ummah has to think seriously ‎about the answer.‎

These two examples conclusively prove that the Muslim community of India can ‎learn business lessons from businessmen of other communities. You will find very ‎few Muslim businessmen in India as compared to other communities.‎

A former Income Tax Commissioner says – “It is a matter of deep introspection ‎why Muslims in India cannot try their luck in entrepreneurship when other ‎communities are making their presence felt in a big way in the business world. ” ‎

Various experts and religious organizations have expressed their concern ‎on the current critical situation of the Ummah in the country. In such situations, ‎there is a need to work from a different angle to overcome from it. According to ‎the experts, strengthening the economy of Muslims is an important and essential ‎need of the hour.‎

Ummah has a large number of youngsters who have the responsibility not only of ‎their family but also of the community and the country.‎

If a large section of the Ummah comes forward in trade and business, then in the ‎coming few years, not only Muslims themselves will be economically stable, but ‎their important role in strengthening the country’s economy will be recognized.‎

Bright Begin is a non-profitable organization that has been working in Hyderabad ‎since long time. It is working on new projects to make educated and uneducated ‎unemployed Muslim youths to be employable and to stabilize their economy. One ‎of the important activities of Bright Begin is to promote the small scale business ‎industry, for this purpose a grand business expo is being organized on 13th and ‌‎14th August at Taj Palace Function Hall, Bundalaguda, Hyderabad. In which ‎industries containing different business ideas will be exhibited and it is hope that ‎this exhibition will create a new enthusiasm and passion for industry and ‎commerce among the youths of the Ummah and strengthen their intentions.‎