As usual Siasat is publishing SSC Telugu Question Bank that is the II language for English, Telugu and Urdu media. The Question Bank will be released by Mr. Zahed Ali Khan Siasat editor today i.e. on Saturday, October 10, at 3 pm, at MHJ Hall, Siasat premises, Opp. Ramakrishna Theatre, Abids.
The question bank has been compiled by Telugu Pandit Mohammed Rafi, Boston Mission School under the supervision of Mr. Ahmed Basheeruddin Farooqui retd. Deputy Educational Officer. I Nehru Babu Deputy Educational Officer, Bahadurpura zone will be the chief guest while Khaleelur Rahman and Shaker Ahmed will be the honourary guests.
Career Counselor M A Hameed has requested school authorities, teachers and students to obtain the same by arriving on time.
Siasat news