Hyderabad: Result of SSC in TS was declared yesterday by Dr.B Janardhan Reddy, Principal Secretary, Education. He told that 92.43% of candidates passed the examination. In all 5,52,280 candidates had taken SSC examination this year which includes 40,526 private candidates. He also informed that 93.68% of girls were successful whereas 91.18% of boys cleared the examination. Once again, girls excelled boys with a margin of 2.5 %.
In this examination, 56.53% private candidates also passed, in which 61.40% of girls and 53.65 boys recorded their success. Among the private candidates, 7.75% more girls got success.
Giving the details of the performance of the schools, Dr. Reddy told that 4,374 schools registered cent percent success results whereas 9 schools showed zero percent result.
Among the Telangana districts, Jagtiyal registered 99.73% success result whereas Siddipet stood second showing 99.33% success result.
Kareemnagar stood third wherein 98.20% of students passed this examination. Hyderabad City recorded the least percentage of the students who passed SSC. In the city, 83.09% of students got through the examination.
The results of B.Cs, welfare schools was better than the other schools. Dr. Reddy informed that out of regular candidates of 5,06,202, there were 2,54,551 were boys and 2,51,651 girls.
In all, 4,67,859 candidates were successful in SSC examination out of which there are 2,32,109 boys and 2,35,750 girls.
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