Hyderabad: SSC Public Examinations commenced across the State on Thursday. The students appeared for the first language paper-I examination which began at 9.30 am.
In view of the COVID-19, some students were spotted with face masks at the examination centers. To prevent large gatherings, the candidates were allowed into the exam centers from 8.30 am and separate rooms were arranged for students, who have cold or cough. Medical officials, medicines and ORS packets were arranged at the exam centeres.
The Directorate of Government Examinations has constituted 2,530 centers across the State and a total of 2,530 chief superintendents and departmental officers were appointed. Nearly 30,500 teachers are being deployed for invigilation duties during the examinations. Four special flying squads and 144 flying squads were deployed for monitoring the examination. The exams will conclude on April 6