Hyderabad: In the SSC exams 2019 which were held recently, a few incorrect questions appeared in mathematics papers.
Based on the recommendation of experts, the Directorate of Government Examinations has decided to add six marks to the mathematics marks of the students.
According to the report published in Telangana Today, four incorrect questions appeared in mathematics papers. Three appeared in Paper I whereas one in Paper II. These examinations were held on 23rd and 25th March.
As per the details, 6th and 16th questions in part-A, 7th question in part-B of the paper-I and 4th question in part-B in paper-II were incorrect.
The decision to add six marks to the mathematics marks of the students were made after an expert committee recommended it. However, the marks will be added to the students who had attempted these incorrect questions.
Mr. B. Sudhakar, Director of Government Examinations said that appropriate action will be taken against the paper setter.
It may be mentioned this year, 552302 students registered for the examinations.