SSC exams rescheduled

In view of ZPTC examinations in the state the last three papers of SSC exams have been rescheduled. Social Studies Paper I which was earlier scheduled on April 10th will be held on April 12th; Social studies Paper II which was to be held on April 11, will be held on April 15th; OSSC main Language Paper II will be held on April 16th and Vocational Course (Theory) on April 17th.

The timings of two exams have been slightly changed. General Science Paper I on April 7th will be held from 11 am to 1:30 pm. Social Studies Paper-I will also be held between 11 am to 1:30 pm on April 12th.

The exams are rescheduled due to elections on April 6th and 11th and the change of timings is made to facilitate the teachers who are drafted for election duty as well as invigilation.

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