Mumbai: Amid the controversy over Salman Khan’s rape comments, his friend superstar Shah Rukh Khan says he cannot judge statements made by others as he himself has made some inappropriate remarks in the past. When asked if Salman should apologies for his comments, the 50-year-old Fan actor said, In the last few years, I have come to realize that I have made so many inappropriate comments myself. I don’t think I am someone to sit in judgment for somebody else’s comment.
Bollywood celebrities including Kangana Ranaut, Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar and Sona Mohapatra have condemned the Bajrangi Bhaijaan star’s remarks, while his brother Arbaaz, Sonu Sood and Subhash Ghai among others have come out in his defense. However, Shah Rukh doesn’t believe in taking sides. It is not about taking a side or not taking a side. I myself talk a lot so who will sit, judge and decide who should do what, he said. Those who want to do something they should decide it for themselves. Personally speaking, I don’t think I am anyone to be making a comment. I am so inappropriate myself, Shah Rukh said.
Salman’s rape analogy to describe the grueling shoot for his upcoming film Sultan has led to a controversy. Not satisfied with the written reply from the actor, the National Commission for Women on Thursday summoned him to appear before it on July 8. The Commission also warned the actor that if he fails to appear before the panel, it may proceed to take action as it deems fit.
Commission finds that you are not willing to apologies for the remarks made by you. The explanation offered by you, after making such an irresponsible and callous statement doesn’t amount to an apology. Your reply is therefore not satisfactory, the NCW said in its notice issued.