Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan’s film Raees which is going to releases on January 25 is again in trouble. A leading distributor Akshaye Rathi received threat letters from Shiv Sena of Chhattisgarh wing warning them of consequences for screening Raees in his theater. Akshaye has tweeted the letter on his timeline.
Shah Rukh who has personally visited Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray at his residence `Krishnakunj’ in Dadar to make sure that his film hits the screens without any hassle and also he `clarified’ to Raj that there was no move to bring Mahira for promoting the film. In view of his clarification, the MNS assured SRK of the smooth release of the of his film.
The Bollywood superstar had previously run into trouble with the MNS for the release of “Chennai Express” in 2013 after they allegedly threatened to yank off Marathi films to accommodate its shows in single-screen cinemas.
Prior to that, in 2010, SRK’s blockbuster “My Name Is Khan” had run into trouble with the Shiv Sena opposing its screening then, but the issue was later amicably sorted out.