MUMBAI: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan shared the first look of filmmaker Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth Dhanush’s next Tamil directorial, a biopic on Indian Paralympic high jumper Mariyappan Thangavelu.
Titled “Mariyappan”, the film will chronicle the life of the 21-year-old high jumper from Salem district in Tamil Nadu.
He represented India in the 2016 Summer Paralympic games held in Rio de Janeiro in the men’s high jump T-42 category, winning the gold medal in the finals.
Shah Rukh, 51, unveiled the first poster of the biopic on Twitter, in which the athlete can be seen standing with a medal in his hand.
“Here’s presenting the first look of the biopic on #MariyappanThangavelu, our very own national hero, all the best Aishwaryaa Dhanush,” SRK wrote.
To which Aishwaryaa replied, “Thank you so much! A very happy new year to you and the family.