Spreading communal hatred through provocative writings on currency notes

Hindu Vahini, Vishwa Hindu Parishad and other such organisations are busy creating issues on one or the matter. Surprisingly intelligence, police and government turn blind eye towards the activities of anti-national elements. Now these traitors are circulating currency notes in the denomination of Rs 10, on whose water mark window, stamp is affixed stating ‘Bharat Ko Hindu Rashtra Banao’ in Hindi.

As far as the local Hindus and Muslims are concerned they do not want, violence, riots and animosity but want to live with love and affection. Thus circulating currency notes by affixing provocative and anti national slogans can be the handiwork of non local miscreants, especially those who have migrated from Rajasthan, Bengal and Gujarat and have inhabited in the city. Their effort is to disrupt peaceful atmosphere of the city. The currency notes circulated by anti national elements should immediately be confiscated.

It must be noted that the clean note policy of Reserve Bank of India and Banking Regulation Act clearly restricts any writing or inscription on the watermark window of currency notes.

Abu Aimal