Hyderabad: A road accident took place on Thursday on the recently opened Durgam Cheruvu cable bridge which is built by the Telangana government. The car was moving over the cable bridge, suddenly it overrturned due to a Tyre blast. However no casualties were reported in the accident.
The passengers travelling in the car got out safely with minor injuries. According to the witnesses the Tyre exploded when the speeding car overturned and hit a road median.
A major accident was averted since there was no traffic at that time. The overturned car was immediately shifted with the help of crane by the traffic police.
The Durgam Cheruvu Cable Bridge, the largest cable bridge in the country, was inaugurated by Minister KTR on September 25. Later it became a popular tourist destination for many who were confined to their homes during the lockdown. Young people in particular are visiting on a large scale to have a glimpse.
Impressive lighting during the evenings attracts lots of public across the city.