The Telangana transport department has decided to make sure that everyone must wear helmet while driving. The department decided to put fines for not wearing the helmet, the traffic police now will be more stringent while enforcing the rule.
Currently, a helmet rule violation attracts only a fine between Rs 100 and Rs 200. The Road Transport and Safety Bill 2015, proposed by the Centre, seek to increase the fine amount to Rs 500-Rs 1,000.
Telangana state transport minister P. Mahender Reddy, after a review meeting on Saturday, asked authorities to impose huge fine amounts on those who violated the helmet rule.
About 9,000 cases booked every month in the twin cities and the figure is expected to increase substantially. The state government might increase the fine amount drastically before the Road Transport and Safety Bill comes into play.
As per authorities, less than 10 per cent motorists currently abide by the rule while motorists account for 50 per cent of accidents cases.
While two-wheeler riders accounted for the maximum number of accident, Out of 616 accidents till March this year, 306 accident victims were two-wheeler riders followed by four wheelers at 170 cases, this year.
“The focus on the helmet rule will be increased immediately. Already, we are recording 8,000 to 9,000 cases each month under the MV Act.
The numbers will go up as we will continue to book cases and focus more on the rule. Enhancing the fine amount may take time, people should wear helmets not to escape the fine but for their own safety,” said additional CP (traffic), Jitender.