New Delhi: Sanjaya Baru’s controversial book, ‘The Accidental PM’, which is about India’s former PM Manmohan Singh, is all set to be adapted into a movie. The flick will reportedly focus on the times spent by Singh in the Prime Minister’s Office. The teaser of this movie is expected to release on August 30 and the full-length film is slated to hit the silver screens towards the end of 2017.
Sunil Bohra (producer of the movie) said “The endeavour is not to create any sensation but to present a true account of what transpired during those ten years which changed the political spectrum of the country and fortunes of India’s oldest political party-Congress.”
The first look is likely to bring discomfort to many Congress bigwigs by showcasing how Sonia Gandhi-led Congress allegedly denied a state funeral to former prime minister Narasimha Rao in the country’s capital. It shows how senior Congress leaders were “instructed” to convince heirs of Rao for cremation in Hyderabad.