New Delhi: Sony India on Monday launched its new in-car audio-video (AV) receiver “XAV-AX5000” for Rs 24,990.
“‘XAV-AX5000’ would enable smarter navigation, communication and music-play from user’s phone with intelligent voice control, possible through ‘Android Auto’ and ‘Apple CarPlay’,” the company said in a statement.
The new system comes with a 17.6 cm bezel-less flush surface display with capacitive touch screen with options including mapping, sorting playlists and making phone calls.
Along with extra bass, “XAV-AX5000” incorporates a “dynamic stage organiser” (DSO) which creates vivid sound image as if there were speakers on the dashboard, 10-band equaliser (EQ10), “free lossless audio codec (FLAC)” audio file compatibility via USB terminal that compresses files without any loss in quality, the company claimed.
Sony’s latest addition also comes with the “quick wake up” feature, rear view camera and dual USB ports to allow users to add various storage devices and to play from any music library of their choice.
“XAV-AX5000” is available in black colour across car accessories shops and showrooms pan nation.