Sonia destroying Hinduism: VHP

Pune, December 31: Ashok Singhal has alleged that Sonia was destroying Hinduism and that she was “deputed by the Vatican.”Freelance Jobs China Wholesale Discount Shopping Cordless Headphone Discussion

Sonia Gandhi’s foreign origin as well as her influence over the nation has again caught the attention of the orthodox community, but in a negative way – especially as it has to do with the ‘secular’ approach..

Lashing out at Congress President Sonia Gandhi, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) chief Ashok Singhal has alleged that she was destroying Hinduism and that she was “deputed by the Vatican.”

Speaking to reporters here on Wednesday, Singhal said: “She (Sonia Gandhi) wants to destroy Indian religion, culture and traditions. We are opposing this, since we will not let this happen. She realises that our strength is growing, and she is scared of our power.

That is why she is opposing us. We are not in any way connected to extremism. Neither the VHP, nor the saints and RSS are involved in any way to militancy.”

He questioned Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi’s intelligence for his criticism of the RSS and reported remarks that Hindu terror was a bigger threat than LeT.
