Somali navy becomes operational

Mogadishu, September 09: The embattled Somali government has begun recruiting its first naval force by admitting some 500 new officers and another 100 senior graduates.

In a ceremony attended by top government officials, Somali Navy commander Admiral Farah Ahmed noted that the recruits will be armed with heavy weapons, including machine guns and RPG, a Press TV correspondent reported.

“From today, the Federal Somali Transition Government has a naval force that would ensure the security of its waters,” he said.

The recruits will also get about $175 per month that largely comes from international community donations.

On Tuesday, Somali capital, Mogadishu, witnessed one of its bloodiest scenes over last week with 70 people killed and more than 109 injured.

Both warring sides carried heavy mortar attacks, which resulted in the destruction of parts of Mogadishu.

Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991 and the lawless country depends on UN-backed anti-piracy mission to monitor its pirate-infested waters.
