Hyderabad: While the Telangana government is working on a ‘paperless’ system for the past two years in its various departments, it is taking initiatives to promote digital transactions in place of cash. The use of smart cards is picking up gradually in the state of Telangana. The proposal to promote smart card use in RTC buses is part of the government initiative.
The system which is already in place in Hyderabad Metro is being introduced in city’s RTC buses. An outsource agreement has been made with a private company to implement smart card system.
As the smart card is needed in Metro, it would be introduced in buses too. These cards may be charged through Paytm, Google pay or Bheem App. This system would be quite handy for the students and the regular commuters as they would be saved from standing in long queues for hours.
When it comes to its working, as soon as the commuter flashes smart cart, the bus conductor would scan it and issue a ticket to him.
The officials said all the details about the scheme would be released soon.