Patna: More than 16 lakh students in Bihar took the Class 10 Board examination on Thursday wearing slippers – in line with a government order aimed at checking rampant cheating.
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) notified that students wearing shoes and socks will not be allowed to enter the examination centres.
A total of 16,60,609 students appeared for the exams at 1,418 centres across the state. The exams end on February 28.
The BSEB also banned erasers and blades and asked the students to enter the examination centres 10 minutes ahead of time.
According to officials, for the first time, the students would get their roll number, name and other details printed on the answer sheets.
Authorities imposed prohibitory orders banning the assembly of five or more people in a 200 metre area around every examination centre. Security forces were deployed to prevent cheating.
“We have installed CCTV cameras and ordering videography and live webcasting of examination centres,” said the official.