Skill Ford, Siasat Daily offer free online English learning classes

Hyderabad:  The Skill Ford in collaboration with The Siasat Daily is all set to start free online English training classes. The classes will telecast on Siasat Daily’s Facebook page. The classes will begin on Tuesday (November 24) and will start from 12 pm to 1 pm in the afternoon.

The initiative has been taken especially for the benefit of housewives, intermediate, and higher grade students.

Speaking about the importance of the English language, trainer Syed Hassan Uddin Anas said claims that English is no more just a language, but it has become a skill.

“With the technological advancements, the world has shrunk into a global village and English happens to be the language of that village. One can be exceptional in terms of academics but without English fluency, he/she might not get a bright future,” he said.

“Because people with poor communication are always low on confidence. They have a terrible inferiority complex. English is a key that opens many doors, door to higher education, door to better employment opportunities and door to higher social status. Our academics can fetch us a job call but to crack an interview we need soft skills,” he added.

Trainers: Syed Hassan Uddin Anas and Hafiz Md Aqib Safi

All those who wish to master the language can join the live telecast on Siasat’s Facebook page from tomorrow.