Sixth century home unearthed in Rome

Rome: Archaeologists in Italy capital Rome have unearthed a unique home that sheds new light on the ancient city 2,500 years ago, the media reported on Thursday.

The discovery was made at Palazzo Canevari on Quirinal Hill, a site previously believed to have hosted an ancient cemetery, The Local reported citing Italian daily, Corriere Della.

“It’s an exceptional find,” Francesco Prosperetti, the archaeological superintendent of Rome said.

“It’s one of the most important in the last ten years because it rewrites the history of Rome during the period it was ruled by kings. Scholars were previously debating if the area had been a place of worship filled with temples or a cemetery.”

The ruins are reportedly in exceptional condition and reveal a large ancient Roman home, measuring three-and-a-half by ten metres.

The dwelling features a rectangular floor plan, which was divided into two rooms and was probably accessed via a porch.

The home was built on a base of Roman tufa, a volcanic stone that is abundant in central Italy and which was used by ancient engineers to build all kinds of constructions, from homes to the Pantheon.

The dwelling once featured high wooden walls that were covered in clay plaster which was topped by a tile roof. The home would have been a plush residence for a wealthy member of the Roman elite.