Six member inter-state robbery gang arrested by Rachakonda police

Hyderabad: The Rachakonda police have arrested a habitual inter-state gang indulging in theft of tyres of loaded lorry and recovered 152 MRF tyres, cars, one 8mm live round and other stolen items from his possession.

The sleuths of CCS LB Nagar team, IT Cell along with Pahadisharief Police of Rachakonda Police Commissionerate have apprehended three habitual inter-state lorry tyres load theft offenders on Monday morning.

Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat,said on Saturday main offender Jamsheed Khan alias Jammi was arrested at Delhi Airport while escaping by flight and recovered an 8mm live cartridge who thrown it near godown in Katedan area. A2 Rahil Khan of Haryana and A3 Afroz Ali Khan of Rain Bazaar Chaman, Yakathpura are absconding. A4 Syed Basith Hussain of Nehrunagar, Rain Bazar Chaman and A6 Kamal Kabra of Chudi Bazaar, Begum Bazaar (receiver have been arrested. Crime was committed on January 18 last month, he added.

The Commissioner said that on February 15 at about 11 pm the complainant loaded 192 MRF tyres at MRF Limited, Trichy (Radial) Plant Narangal, Perambadur, Tamil Nadu State. They were actually transported in the container BR No: NL01AD4374 to Haryana State.

At Tiruchi Jamsheed Khan and Rahil Khan asked lift for going to Haryana State. While they were travelling from Tamil Nadu to Haryana, on the way the complainant asked his cleaner Sohel to drive the vehicle and slept. When the vehicle reached Tipparthi in Nalgonda district, the offenders threatened the Sohel with fire arm and stopped the container by road side and tied the hands and legs of the driver and cleaner with rope and blindfold them and beat the complainant and his cleaner.

They kept them in container and roamed the container here and there and finally they stopped at Thukkuguda ORR and fled with 192 MRF tyres.