Chennai (Tamil Nadu): On the occasion of the 143rd birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel on Wednesday, Union Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman gave a clarion call to all the youngsters to build a unified modern India.
Talking to media after inaugurating the run for unity program in Chennai, Sitharaman blamed the Congress party for sidelining the memoirs of a great personality like Sardar Patel.
She said that this was the first time when India celebrated Sardar Patel’s birthday on a whole. The Defence Minister said that he was a towering personality who was instrumental in bringing together all the princely states.
The run for unity event to celebrate Sardar Patel’s birthday was held in all the districts of the State by various groups and associations.
Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi also inaugurated the 182-metre tall Statue of Unity as a tribute to the iconic freedom fighter, Sardar Patel.