New Delhi : With the FIR being registered against four students and the director of the Vishun Roy (VR) College following the ‘expose’ of toppers of 10+2 examinations conducted by the Bihar School Examination Board, the Janata Dal (United) on Tuesday said that the Special Investigation Team (SIT) would probe the matter and those guilty will not be spared.
JD (U) leader Shyam Rajak told ANI that Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is not going to bear any wrong doers.
“So, the moment he got to know about this incident he ordered that an FIR be filed against the guilty besides asking for the formation of an SIT. He also said no one will be spared no matter how powerful that person is,” Rajak said.
“And we have fresh examples of that, when very recently powerful people were sent to jail. Even in this case, no one will be spared. Nitish Kumar ji will not succumb to any pressure,” he added.
Following the furore over the Bihar Board examination toppers being unable to answer basic questions related to their stream eventually leading to a re-examination, the Chief Minister earlier on Sunday said the guilty won’t be spared, adding the investigation into this matter will done with a criminal angle.
“I am going to seek more information on this and take action. A similar case had come to the fore even earlier and we re-examined all those whose names were in the top 10 list,” Nitish said.
On Saturday, the BSEB had cancelled the results of two toppers, including Sourabh Shrestha, of the Intermediate (Science) examinations after they failed to prove their merits in a re-test. (ANI)