Bengaluru: Special Investigation Team (SIT) investigating the slain journalist Gauri Lankesh murder case has found about an organised crime syndicate formed in the year 2010-11 which used to target persons which went against their beliefs and ideology.
The SIT also revealed that the 18 accused in the case are active members of an Organised Crime Syndicate.
According to the SIT report, the members of this Syndicate strictly followed the guidelines and principles mentioned in “Kshatra Dharma Sadhana”, a book published by Sanatan Sanstha.
Asserting that accused Amit Degvekar, Vikas Patil and Rushikesh Deodikar were important members of the syndicate, the SIT reports also elaborated on the modus operandi of the syndicate.
“While recruiting new members, the emphasis is given to identify and recruit those persons with a history of aggression and violence and especially those with a criminal background. The members of the organised crime syndicate meet, conspire and train at various places in Karnataka and Maharashtra,” the SIT report read.
The SIT on Friday had submitted the additional chargesheet against 18 accused persons in Special Court for Karnataka Control of Crimes Act (KCOCA). The deadline for filing the charge sheet was November 27.
The senior journalist was murdered at her residence in Bengaluru on September 5 last year in May.