New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Friday counselled a petitioner organisation to sit on dharna in support of its demand for higher compensation for the kin of all those committing suicide, similar to Rs 1-crore compensation given to the family of an OROP agitation ‘martyr’.
The bench of Chief Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar and Justice D.Y. Chandrachud told the petitioner organisation, Media Research and Welfare Society: “Go and sit on Dharna for seeking grant of more compensation. Tell the government I will not vote for you next time.”
The court said this to the organisation, as it had contended that Rs 1-crore compensation given to the kin of the man, who has committed suicide by hanging from a tree during ‘One Rank One Pension’ (OROP) agitation at Jantar Mantar, should be available for all committing suiicide in similar way.
Having counselled the petitioner organisation, the court dismissed the plea.