New Delhi: In an apparent jibe at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Amit Shah, Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal on Monday hit back at the saffron party for attempting to corner Akhilesh Yada-led Samajwadi Party Government in the wake of the recent Kairana exodus and Mathura violence, saying the sins won’t get washed away just by taking a dip in river Ganges.
Agarwal highlighted the present state of affairs in the BJP-ruled states to justify his point. “If the BJP government would have seen the law and order situation in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Haryana then it wouldn’t have talked about Uttar Pradesh. The law and order situation in Uttar Pradesh is the best in the nation. Sins won’t get washed away just by taking dip in Ganga river. The people will teach a lesson to the BJP,” Agarwal told ANI.
BJP legislator and Muzaffarnagar-riots-accused Hukum Singh had earlier reportedly said that the Hindus were being forced to leave their homes in the Muslim-majority town in Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, the police have ordered a probe into the alleged migration after Singh presented a list of 346 families from the Muslim-majority town while claiming that they had to leave their homes after attacks and extortion attempts.
In Mathura, 25 civilians and two senior cops were killed due to the armed conflict between squatters and the police at the Jawahar Bagh public park on June 2.
The BJP president had raised on Sunday — the first day of his party’s national executive meeting in Allahabad — the issue of lack of development and governance in Uttar Pradesh.