Dhar: In the backdrop of a Sikh boy being asked to remove his turban before entering his board exam centre, Dhar District Education Officer on Tuesday said that stringent checking is done of all students appearing for Madhya Pradesh Board exam.
A Sikh boy of Class 12 was allegedly asked to remove his turban before entering his board exam centre in Dhar on Monday.
Recounting the incident, the student said: “While entering my exam centre, one of the teachers asked me to remove my turban. I told her that since it is a sign of my pride I can not do so.”
“I also approached the head of the centre regarding this. However, he said that the checking was being done as per the directions of the Madhya Pradesh board,” he added.
Speaking on the incident, Manglesh Vyas, District Education Officer, said, “There are directions for stringent checking. If the intention was to hurt sentiment, then appropriate action will be taken”.