Bengaluru (Karnataka): Taking a jibe at his prime contender in the upcoming Karnataka Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) chief ministerial candidate BS Yeddyurappa on Thursday said that Chief Minister Siddaramaiah chose two seats to contest from, out of fear of losing.
“There is no safe seat for Siddaramaiah in Karnataka. He knows he is going to lose in Chamundeshwari, that is why he chose Badami. But, he is going to lose from Badami miserably. I’m 100 percent sure,” Yeddyurappa told ANI.
The former chief minister said that Siddaramaiah government’s corruption, farmers’ distress, and poor law and order would bring the Congress party’s downfall in the state, and make way for a BJP government.
“People have decided that under Siddaramaiah government, they have seen a lot of corruption. The development is in a stand still. In almost all areas, he has cheated the people of Karnataka. People are fed up and they want change,” he said.
Yeddyurappa further said the BJP would come out with the election manifesto within two to three days and the farmer’s welfare would be a major part of it. He added that the focus would remain on the overall development of the state.
Although the opinion polls do not predict a clear majority for the BJP, Yeddyurappa said Karnataka would see results similar to that of Uttar Pradesh where the BJP won with a thumping majority, “What happened in Uttar Pradesh? At that time, everyone was saying that BJP is not going to win 130 seats. We won 325 seats. The same thing will be repeated in Karnataka.”
Yeddyurappa also expressed confidence in the aggressive campaign carried out by BJP President Amit Shah in the state as well as the impact of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, “The entire country knows the impact of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Modi ji’s tour, Amit Shah’s tour will leave a great impact on the entire state. It will prove helpful in getting majority in Karnataka.”
Yeddyurappa also dismissed the possibility of the Lingayat votes swaying in favour of Congress, even as the Siddramaiah government declared religious minority status to the Lingayat community.
“Nobody is discussing about Lingayat issue at all. Two months back, he wanted to create some confusion among the Lingayats and the Veerashaivas. They created this issue for only one reason, so that I don’t become Chief Minister. People are very much aware now, this issue will backfire for Sidaramaiah and Congress.” Yeddyurappa opined.
With few days left for the elections, Karnataka has turned into a political battleground. While Congress aims to retain its government in one of the few non-BJP states, the BJP is leaving no stone unturned to wrest Karntaka away from the Congress.
Karnataka will go to polls on May 12 to elect representatives to the 225-member state assembly. The results will be out on May 15. (ANI)