Hyderabad: The three day cookery classes organized by Siasat Urdu Daily in collaboration with ITC Grand Kakatiya and Freedom Oil ended yesterday. Director of Tourism, Govt. of Telangana, Dr. Christina Z. Chongthu, IAS and Ms. Lara Neely, English Language Fellow, US Consulate were the Chief Guests. Both the guests tasted the dishes prepared the master chefs.
Mr. Zahid Ali Khan presented Cookery book of Asafia Kitchen published by Siasat Urdu Daily.
Dr. Christina congratulated Siasat Urdu Daily for its efforts to promote the passion for learning new things. She told that Siasat Urdu Daily is not merely a newspaper but it is a movement to uplift the educational standards of youths. She informed that in November, Food Festival would be organized by the Govt. The cooperation of Siasat would be sought.
–Siasat News