Siasat had recently exposed irregularities in Minority Finance Corporation’s bank-linked subsidy-cum-loan scheme, which was proved true on Wednesday when a applicant was sanctioned a subsidy of 2 lakh by using the documents of another person. Misusing the documents submitted by an applicant from Saroor Nagar Rangareddy 2 lakh loan was sanctioned to another person. The scam came to light when the candidate reached Hajj House and conducted strong protest. The applicant’s father who is a journalist briefed media persons the details regarding irregularities in the corporation. Being a journalist he was able to gather details which could not have been done by a layman. Corporation officials are trying to shrug off the responsibility by blaming the bank for the mistake.
The irregularity came to fore when applicant Shaikh Imtiyazuddin’s father who is a journalist tried to submit online application, as soon as he typed Adhaar card number, the computer didn’t accept it saying subsidy has already been obtained on this number. When he collected the details, he found that although it was his son’s Adhaar Card number, but in sanction letter the name Syed Ghouse Pasha was written instead of Shaikh Imtiyazuddin. Even father’s name was also changed.
Siasat news