Hyderabad: Amer Ali Khan, News Editor, Siasat received letters from various Police Stations requesting for the burial of unclaimed Muslim dead bodies. A total of 10 applications were received from different police stations in Hyderabad, and Secunderabad.
Siasat Millat Fund received all the bodies from Osmania Hospital and Gandhi Hospital and buried them in the Secunderabad graveyard. Namaz-e-Janaza was offered by Maulana Syed Hafeez Ashrafi, Imam, and Khateeb Jama Masjid Kishanbagh after Fajr prayers while the funeral prayer of the body found from Gandhi Hospital was offered by Syed Zahid Hussain Shah Qadri.

On this occasion, Zahid Hussain said that the Editor of Siasat Zahid Ali Khan took up this noble task of the burial of unclaimed Muslim bodies in 2003 and in this regard, Hazrat Maulana Ghulam Nabi Shah Sahib was made the President and he used to offer funeral prayers for a long time. Apart from this, Maulana Muhammad Hameeduddin Aqeel Husami sahab, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani Sahab, Maulana Qabool Pasha Shuttari sahab, Maulana Arshad Qasmi Sahab, Maulana Jafar Pasha sahab, Maulana Sadiq Mohiuddin Sahab, Mufti Khalil Ahmed Sahab Jamia Nizamia, Maulana Syed Khwaja Moizuddin Ashrafi Sahab, Maulana Akbar Nizamuddin sahab and many other scholars have the honour of offering funeral prayers.
Yesterday’s funeral prayers were attended by Hamiduddin Jahannama, social worker Osman Al Hajri, and others. Ms. Bushra Tabassum, a resident of Secunderabad, who often arranges Kafan (shroud) with her husband Syed Abdul Mannan, said that May Allah accept the service under the patronage of Zahid Ali Khan. Muhammad Abdul Jalil prayed for those who contributed to the Millat Fund that Allah may reward them both in this world and in the Hereafter (Ameen).

In 2003, Zahid Ali Khan first took the initiative to bury the unclaimed Muslim dead bodies. This initiative came in response to an emotionally distressed call by a Muslim police officer who informed Khan that Muslim dead bodies are often cremated along with other unclaimed bodies.
This painful disclosure prompted Khan to call up the then Andhra Pradesh DGP and the Commissioner of Police Hyderabad requesting them to hand over the unclaimed Muslim dead bodies to Siasat Daily for their burial.
And for the past 18 years, Siasat Millat Fund is giving a decent burial to about 20 to 25 unclaimed Muslim dead bodies every month.